How to build a wildly successful brand


This is a question we have all pondered I am sure - how can I make my brand wildly successful? On closer reflection I think this question poses an even more profound one - what does success look like for me? Every individual's life experience is unique, as it depends upon many different factors - some we can control and others not so much, but at the root of it all, we all look at success differently. With that in mind, we’d like to share with you a list of ideas that will help shape your own perception of success and reach the goals you have set for your business.

01 | Know yourself

Every part of your brand - the passion, the direction, the values - they all begin with you. Which is why from the very beginning it’s important to try your best to get to know yourself. So, what does the concept of success look and feel like to you? Does success look like throwing every particle of yourself into your brand to create impact? Or does it look like building a beautiful work life balance that leaves room for other important aspects of your life? Or does success mean cultivating a safe space for members of your community beyond a profitable business? Success, like our sense of self, shifts throughout our lives, so check in with where you are now and what you need or want most. Sometimes our opinion can be a little warped by external factors, such as - ‘I have to work hard in order to be successful’ or ‘I need to be rich to be successful’. Reflect on what your current view of success is and make sure it is actually what you want and what you believe.

02 | Play to your strengths

What are your strengths? What do your challenges look like? Are you brimming with ideas in the morning, or does all your energy suddenly appear at 5pm? Are you an organised person who follows each step of a process, or are you a whirlwind of energy that thrives whilst juggling multiple jobs at the same time? There is no right or wrong answer, but the way to get the best out of your productivity and your team is to work to all of your strengths. Allow yourself to embrace the unique set of skills you possess and make use of the individual skills of those around you, don’t try to be perfect at everything! They say it takes a village to raise a child, we believe the same can be said about a brand. Be open to the support of those who champion your brand, building relationships within your community creates resilience and often leads to interesting opportunities in the future.

03 | Find your people + let them find you

Connecting with a like minded community is essential for the longevity of your brand. Community has a way of making a brand more than the sum of its parts, making genuine connections with your audience is the best possible way to build trust and loyalty. Community is a two way street, fostering relationships with suppliers, customers, neighbouring or similar businesses all lead to building a healthy and stable brand. Whether online or in person, there is so much to gain from being active in your brand's community. It establishes your authenticity, credibility and knowledge of your product or industry.

04 | Stay authentic

‘Just do the work. And if the world needs your work it will come and get you. And if it doesn’t, do your work anyway’ - Kiki Smith

This quote features on the beautiful letterpress stationery of our client Jo Olive. The first time I read it, it resonated so deeply that I knew it was sage advice. Sometimes we can feel pressured to bend our own style or message to reflect a current passing trend, and whilst this may seem effective on the surface it can lead to a watering down of your unique offering as a brand. Staying true to your unique values and vision creates an honest brand journey that customers will want to share and celebrate.

05 | Self care

Thankfully the idea of self care is becoming increasingly accepted as a way to maintain equilibrium throughout today’s busy lifestyle. However, there is a difference between knowing what is good for us and putting it into practice. Awareness is great but it is useless without action. The value of self care shouldn’t be underestimated, as its absence can be a slippery slope to overwhelm and anxiety. The irony is that when our lives are at their busiest the last thing we can imagine is taking time out for ourselves, yet it is precisely the time when we need to most. Try to move beyond any feelings of guilt or self indulgence and create space for regular self care. This will mean a different practice for each of us, it might be a walk, yoga, craft, a catch up with a close friend, or simply a couple of hours snuggled up watching your favourite show. The act of recharging can only have a positive outcome for your work and personal life.⠀⠀⠀⠀

06 | Branding

We believe that branding is one of the single most important elements for any successful brand (you may think we are biased but it is 100% true). From the very beginning of a brand's journey, well considered branding sets the scene for what your brand will become. That is why creating the right foundations from the start is so important. It introduces your brand to the world, establishing your originality and professionalism, it also brings clarity to your values and voice. There is no better investment you can make as it will continue to reward your business as your brand grows and flourishes as a result. The research and reflection that takes place during the process of creating a brand identity allows you to examine every corner of your brand, so you have clarity and conviction every step of the way. So that when your brand is ready to greet the world you are an expert, fluent in the language and values you want to communicate - therefore creating impact and momentum from day dot.

07 | Attitude of gratitude

The last year has been the greatest test for gratitude I have ever known, and I’m sure many of you have felt the same. Although, when it feels as if very little is going our way, when the future feels fuzzy at the edges, the practice of gratitude can be the perfect antidote. For every thought of scarcity there is a thought of gratitude to balance it out and return your mind to a place of balance. If you find yourself thinking ‘why is this happening to me, I don’t deserve this, this isn’t fair’….. try to flip the script, acknowledge how you’re feeling, then gently remind yourself of what you are most grateful for. For what you focus on expands. If you prefer a simple daily routine a gratitude list can be a powerful tool. Upon waking, think of 10 things you are grateful for, it’s a short grounding ritual that can positively shape the rest of your day.

08 | Comparison kills

It’s cool to be kind, especially to yourself! As much as social media is a valuable resource for creating connections and building our brand’s community, sometimes it can lead to unwelcome feelings of comparison. Don’t let someone else’s success shrink your own, we are all at different stages of our business and in different ebbs and flows of our lives. Some days we want to shout our triumphs from the rooftops, other days we’d like to keep our challenges to ourselves. It’s during these moments of comparison that it’s essential not to measure your self worth based on the opinion of others. You can use these moments to check in with the values of your brand, are you still aligned to those values? Are you still practising them? If the answer is yes, then you’re still moving in the right direction. If the answer is no, then now’s a great time to reflect and realign with you and your brand.

We hope that we’ve given you a few ideas and perhaps the permission to shape your own version of success. The brave act of building a brand should always be celebrated and we’re here to guide and cheer you along the way.